Those testing the employment waters at the upcoming Denver Career Fair are hoping they’re fortunate enough to secure an interview.

Putting its talents on display at the Dec. 5 job expo at the Doubetree Hotel in Denver is MyTruSeal, a Lakewood-Colo.-based company that expedites the process and gets a steady paycheck coming in much sooner. The self-background screening firm arms ambitious job seekers with the tools necessary to land that desired position.

MyTruSeal generates a report detailing a prospective employee’s history. A clean past is among the most crucial credentials, aside from a good-natured demeanor and strong work ethic. MyTruSeal, first and foremost, shows whether an employee is even hirable. It removes the guesswork factor for those responsible for hiring new staff.

But there are steps that need to be taken at a career fair to reach the point of “almost hired.”

Tip 1: Networking is key. Don’t leave the fair without shaking a few hands and pocketing some business cards.


Tip 2: Dress the part. If you’re going after a corporate job, don’t underestimate the importance of proper attire during the first-impression phase.


Tip 3: Ask about paid internships. It could be the perfect way to get your foot in the door and prove yourself.

Tip 4: Do your research. Find out which companies are presenting at the job fair and come equipped with a bit of knowledge.

Tip 5: Show genuine interest. Potential employers can tell if you’re faking it.


After the initial legwork is done, MyTruSeal provides the extra boost toward the finish line through pre-emptive criminal background checks and drug screenings. Handing over proof that you’re ready to handle the task is the way to separate yourself from the rest of the pack.

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