They say the grass is always greener on the other side, and it looks as though the crabgrass, weeds and brown spots of recent years are slowly disappearing.

Experts looking ahead to 2012 are cautiously optimistic for good reason. The nation’s economy is slowly recovering as home starts increase and corporations add more jobs. Sadly, the rate of foreclosures remains high and desperate homeowners are turning more to short sales to escape a financial crisis. The word ‘stability’ is not yet in America’s modern vocabulary.

With the glut of highly qualified applicants vying for the same jobs, it has never been more important to make yourself stand out. A suit and tie only go so far these days. Employers need something that eases their mind, especially if the position involves the handling of sensitive information. Doctors offices, insurance companies, credit card firms and even fast food restaurants need to make sure that their customers’ private information is handled with care. But the cost of screening that many new employees can be astronomical


In the name of being more economical, companies are looking to certified background verification organizations such as TruDiligence to process the increasing volume of resumes. What if the job were made simpler and more affordable? What if the ball were passed to the applicant’s court?

HR professionals can change the hiring process in their favor with MyTruSeal (, which uses the novel concept of self-background checks. The employee can even submit a resume that includes a link to the crucial information every hiring manager needs to know. The applicant chooses the databases that will be searched: motor vehicle records, social security numbers, criminal history and many more. A clean record can bring comfort and cost-savings to a company that no longer needs to pay for the background check.

MyTruSeal’s services begin at $20 and can provide job seekers with the tool that for the rest of their life can offer assurance of their accountability and verification of their educational and professional credentials.

So as we look toward the pastures of next year, remember that a little watering can make a small seed of determination grow wild.

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