integrate background checks in business using automatable features

Human resources are swamped during hiring seasons. As job applications automate, the number of applicants for each open position multiply exponentially. If your company’s positions require employees who can pass a high degree of scrutiny, that means recruiters have much more paperwork to do to approve each potential hiree to the interview stage. Automating your own tools can reduce the workload and streamline the process. Here are two reasons to integrate background checks with an automatable feature.

1. Integration Means Background Checks Don’t Become a Bottleneck

Whether you start your background checks early or if they’re one of the last steps in the full hiring process, background checks slow things down. This can frustrate or stress applicants that made it to the final step because they’ve invested a lot of time and effort. If your first choice falls through on a background check, your second choice may have already found a new job by the time you notify them.

But if you integrate background checks into the system, you can make sure you have all of the necessary specifics and consent forms lined up early on. If you can see on a single dashboard what a potential employee has to fill in and work within one system before clicking the background check button, the turnaround time is much faster.

2. Integration Allows You to Submit Requests in Bulk

Most of the time, your HR representatives don’t just need one background check at a time. They need ten, twenty, or several dozen! If you have a background check provider with a portal that doesn’t integrate into your hiring system, then someone has to manually submit those orders. An automated tool, however, lets you check which individuals in a long list of applicants need this next step. Not only are you saving time, but this helps prevent redundancies or data entry errors that slow the process.

Integrate Background Checks With TruDiligence

Just like automation is helping applicants, automation can give your human resources department the tools they need to find the best applicants in increasingly large pools of options. Go to TruDiligence to get started integrating your background checks with an automatable feature!

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